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Gainesville, Virginia


JP Lange – Consulting Arborist can help you manage your landscape.  We have professionals certified by ISA, ASCA, TCIA, and The State of Maryland, but we also have licensure as landscape architects in Maryland and Virginia.  Using an analytical approach, we are able to provide information on every aspect of arboriculture and landscape management.


The science of arboriculture has to do not only with the care and maintenance of trees, but with enhancing the well being of individuals and the safety of property by creating a user-friendly environment.

New technology is allowing consulting arborists to provide more creative solutions for developers and landowners in managing landscapes, containing costs, enhancing site function, and minimizing liabilities.

JP Lange - Consulting Arborist can help you manage your landscape.  We have professionals certified by ISA, ASCA, TCIA, and the State of Maryland.  We also have licensure as landscape architects in Virginia and Maryland.  Using an analytical approach, we are able to provide service on every aspect of arboriculture and landscape management.